
CATMA 2 (release date: 28 January 2010)

CATMA 2.01 is a platform independent, fully JAVA© based version with extended functionality.

This release includes the following files:

  • Catma-2.01-Setup_win_Full.exe - the full Windows installer
  • - just the zipped application files without an installer
  • QueryConversionSheet.pdf - an overview of the changes in the query syntax

A windows installer which includes the java runtime environment is available in the downloads section of this website.

Downward compatibility:

Markup Documents and Groups created with CATMA 1.1 can still be loaded with CATMA 2.01. Once you have changed Groups or created new ones you will not be able to use them with CATMA 1.1! It is highly recommended to uninstall CATMA 1.1 before installing CATMA 2.01!

New features:

Additional CATMA 2.01 features include:

  • full Java version
  • punctuation aware indexing and searching facility
  • phrase results when searching for tagged sequences
  • display of tags in result view
  • display of totals in selection views
  • (basic) support for html, pdf, rtf and doc files
  • search facility within the tagger
  • selective multiple tagging and untagging
  • tagging from result view
  • distribution analysis
  • collocates analysis
  • full regular expression power in regexp queries
  • collocate query span per collocate (sub-)query

Changes in the query syntax are documented in the file “QueryConversionSheet.pdf” (see under downloads)


CATMA 2.01 requires Java 1.6. The Windows installer includes the Java 1.6 version which is included in this release as a separate installation file. Most Linux/Unix and Mac OS X 10.5 or later support Java 1.6. Please use the installation mechanisms of your operating system. For Mac OS X 10.4 users there seems to be an unofficial way to install Java 1.6 see ... (without any warranty!)


CATMA 1 (release date: June 2009)

CATMA 1.1 was our first beta and implemented for Windows only. CATMA 1.1. combined two separate, but seamlessly integrated applications. For experimental reasons we developed the Analyzer in C# for whereas the Tagger was programmed in JAVA©.

CATMA 1.1 can still be downloaded from this website.



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Last update: Wednesday, January 27, 2010