This pages only lists features with direct relevance to the user. Minor bugfixes and changes that affect only the backend system are not listed.
- a new tagdiff query that gives you the differences of two or more markup collections The tagdiff query is similar to the tag/property queries and comes in two flavors:
tagdiff="myTag" property="myProp"
Both support wildcards % and _ for the tag and the property values. The tagdiff query will return all annotations and properties that are not present in all of the markup collections included in the analysis. The difference can be the tag, the property or the property value. There result contains entries for each absent tag as well as for each absent or differing property.
- export of documents, markup collections and libraries has been updated to be functional again
- critical bugfix in wildcard query
- Migration to the new OpenID Connect authentication to continue supporting Google OpenID accounts.
- The Property Query now accepts wildcards % (0-n characters) and _ (1 character) e.g.:
property = "myproperty%"
property = "myproperty%" value = "myvalue%"
tag="mytag%" property = "myproperty%" value = "myvalue%"
- The match mode for refinements is now part of the refinment instead of the tag query. That makes it more consistent. This means you can use it with any query and even in nested refinements.
- The exclusion query can be used in combination with match mode, too.
v2014/10/31 (4.2)
- Upgrade of the underlying framework Vaadin from version 6 to version 7. This is also interesting from a user point of view as it brings stuff like maximizable sub windows and improvements for doing work in the background.
- Complete rewrite of the Distribution Chart. It is now based on the Small Multiples visualization technique and has onclick jump back to kwic instances and the full text.
- Improved support for RTL languages (Hebrew, Arabic) in Tagger and Analyzer.
- Usability improvements like being able to open Tagsets and User Markup Collection directly from the Tagger and configurable context size in the Analyzer's KWIC view.
- Small UI improvements on buttons, menu and TagInstance info section in Tagger
- The set-Property-Dialog in the Tagger has been revised completely to make value assignment a lot easier.
- Graph Database (Neo4J) backed indexing of Source Documents for fast collocation, frequency, phrase and wildcard queries.
- Buffered background indexing for fast Source Document additions.
- Queries are now executed in the background, so you can continue to work while the CATMA query engine is working for you.
- Support for XML based Source Documents.
- wildcard phrase queries with more than 6 tokens work as expected now
- query builder generates word queries with wildcards like "myword1 % myword2" correctly
- a "Select All" button to quickly select all kwic results for annotation
- CSV export of all query results
- The union query has been extended with the keyword EXCL:
wild="m_", "my"
results in 20 occurrences of "my" where each subquery gives you the same 10 occurrences then
wild="m_", "my" EXCL
will give you only the 10 occurrences excluding double entries. This can also help you if you work with the tag query and have text sequences that are annotated with more than one tag but should be counted only once.
Some older features not documented elsewhere yet:
- A property query, that comes in three flavors
property = "myproperty"
property = "myproperty" value = "myvalue"
tag="mytag" property = "myproperty" value = "myvalue"
- A checkbox that gives you a flat view of the query results for better sortability by Source Document, Markup Collection and phrase. If the query is a property query this gives you sortability by property as well.