This version provides (among many smaller improvements) the following major features:
- Upgrade of the underlying framework Vaadin from version 6 to version 7. This is also interesting from a user point of view as it brings stuff like maximizable sub windows and improvements for doing work in the background.
- Complete rewrite of the Distribution Chart. It is now based on the Small Multiples visualization technique and has onclick jump back to kwic instances and the full text.
- Improved support for RTL languages (Hebrew, Arabic) in Tagger and Analyzer.
- Usability improvements like being able to open Tagsets and User Markup Collection directly from the Tagger.
- Small UI improvements on buttons, menu and TagInstance info section in Tagger
- The set-Property-Dialog in the Tagger has been revised completely to make value assignment a lot easier.
- Graph Database (Neo4J) backed indexing of Source Documents for fast collocation, frequency, phrase and wildcard queries.
- Buffered background indexing for fast Source Document additions.
- Queries are now executed in the background, so you can continue to work while the CATMA query engine is working for you.
- Support for XML based Source Documents.
Please see also an overview of recently added features and the terms of use.
The major goal of this release was performance improvement. The persistence layer has been rewritten to speed up the communication between the server and the underlying database repository and there are a lot of smaller changes in that direction. It includes also many features to address usability issues and stuff that couldn't be ready in time for the 4.0 release.
This version is implemented as a web application. It is available here. In contrast to the older desktop versions (available for download below), CATMA 4 facilitates the collaborative work on texts due to the web environment. Further new features include an improved user interface, new Query possibilities and the option to analyze whole corpora.
A revised manual for CATMA 4 is available online and as a PDF download.
The source code can be accessed at GitHub and is released under the GNU general public license v3. For details see
CATMA 3.2 (release date 3 May 2011)
CATMA 3.2 includes various bugfixes and minor improvements like the possibility to synchronize outdated tag databases contained in User Markup Documents with the local tag database.
As a result of a cooperation with McMaster University, Hamilton (ON), Canada, CATMA 3.2 now interfaces with the web-based text analysis environment Voyeur. The user can export data directly from CATMA to Voyeur and take advantage of the rich visualization possibilities of Voyeur. A short report gives an insight on what has been implemented and how it can be used.
CATMA 3.2 is released under the GNU general public license v3. For details see
This version is JAVA based and requires JRE 1.6 or higher. This means that CATMA runs on all modern operating systems like Windows, Mac OS X or other Unix/Linux based systems. For Windows users we offer the option to install CATMA with an included JRE. Mac OS and Unix/Linux users please use the installation/update mechanism of your operating system to make sure you have a JRE 1.6 or higher installed.
Intel based Mac OS X 10.4 or 10.5 users have the possibility to try out a free JRE 1.6 named SoyLatte. We have successfully tested CATMA on these old Mac OS systems but admit that the installation process is not easy at all. PowerPC based Macs are not supported by CATMA.
User generated files of previous CATMA versions are still supported and will be upgraded if necessary.
Note that the query syntax has been slightly changed in this version. Changes are documented here.
Download CATMA 3.2 here:
CATMA 3.2 Windows installer with JRE (32bit 1.6_25)
CATMA 3.2 Windows installer (without JRE)
CATMA 3.2 ZIP file containing the plain runnable JAVA application (jar-files)
A ZIP file can be extracted to a USB-stick and does not need to be installed, It works with Windows, Mac OS X (Intel) and Unix/Linux. Please note that CATMA to go requires Mac OS X and Unix/Linux to have a preinstalled Java Runtime Environment version 1.6 or higher.
Access details for the CATMA 3.x source code
CATMA 3 (release date 1 July 2010)
CATMA 3.0 is fully JAVA© based and available for Mac and Windows. It includes a simple-to-use query builder, an improved context-sensitive help functionality and many more improvements, such as the possibility to search for tag properties and to jump from a graphic chart to the exact reference point within your source document view.
This release includes the following files:
CATMA 3.0 Windows installer with JRE
CATMA 3.0 Windows installer without JRE
CATMA 3.0 ZIP - Plain runnable JAVA application (jar-files)
CATMA 2 (release date 28 January 2010)
CATMA 2.01 is a platform independent, fully JAVA© based version with extended functionality.
This release includes the following files:
CATMA 2.01 Windows installer
CATMA 2.01 ZIP - just the zipped application files without an installer
QueryConversionSheet.pdf - an overview of the changes in the query syntax
Downward compatibility:
Markup Documents and Groups created with CATMA 1.1 can still be loaded with CATMA 2.01. Once you have changed Groups or created new ones you will not be able to use them with CATMA 1.1! It is highly recommended to uninstall CATMA 1.1 before installing CATMA 2.01!
New features:
Additional CATMA 2.01 features include:
* full Java version
* punctuation aware indexing and searching facility
* phrase results when searching for tagged sequences
* display of tags in result view
* display of totals in selection views
* (basic) support for html, pdf, rtf and doc files
* search facility within the tagger
* selective multiple tagging and untagging
* tagging from result view
* distribution analysis
* collocates analysis
* full regular expression power in regexp queries
* collocate query span per collocate (sub-)query
Changes in the query syntax are documented in the Query Conversion Sheet
CATMA 2.01 requires Java 1.6.
CATMA 1 (release date June 2009)
CATMA 1.1 was our first beta and implemented for Windows only. CATMA 1.1. combined two separate, but seamlessly integrated applications. For experimental reasons we developed the Analyzer in Microsoft© C# / .NET whereas the Tagger was programmed in JAVA©.