GitMA is a Python package that you can use to process, analyze and manipulate CATMA annotations via the Git Access.
See the GitHub repository and the documentation.
Docker Image
We have created a ready to use Docker image which includes GitMA and all dependencies, as well as demo Jupyter Notebooks.
This image should work for all amd64 and arm64 machines: gerstorfer/gitma-demo (GitHub)
To fetch the image, execute the following in your terminal / command prompt:
docker pull gerstorfer/gitma-demo:latest
To start the container the first time, execute the following in your terminal / command prompt (this will fetch the image if you don’t already have it):
docker run -it --publish 8888:8888 --name gitma-demo gerstorfer/gitma-demo:latest
To start the container again at a later stage, execute the following in your terminal / command prompt:
docker start -ai gitma-demo
Upon starting the container you should see the following menu:
Choose option 1 to start the Jupyter Notebook server. Use the final link that is displayed in the output:
To stop the Jupyter Notebook server, use CTRL/CMD+C twice in a row.