Roles and Permissions

NB: Our documentation pages still need to be updated for CATMA 7. In the mean time, please see What’s New and Changed in CATMA 7.
Owner Partner Assistant Observer Student*
Create/delete x
Edit x x
Add/remove members x
Manage resource permissions x x
Create/delete x x
Edit x x
View x x x x
Annotation Collections
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Edit x x
Add annotations x x x
View x x x x
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Edit x x
Add tags x x x
View x x x x
Roles and permissions in a collaborative CATMA project

* The Student role is a special-purpose role that can be used in a seminar/lecture setting. See the Typical Seminar Workflow page.

Compiled with help from: Larissa Kranewitter-Call, Kristina Becker and Mari Akazawa