Roles and Permissions

NB: Some of our documentation pages still need to be updated for CATMA 7. In the mean time, please see What’s New and Changed in CATMA 7.
Owner Partner Assistant Observer Student*
Create/delete x
Edit x x
Add/remove members x
Manage resource permissions x x
Create/delete x x
Edit x x
View x x x x
Annotation Collections
Create/delete x x
Edit x x
Add annotations x x x
View x x x x
Create/delete x x
Edit x x
Add tags x x x
View x x x x
Roles and permissions in a collaborative CATMA project

* The Student role is a special-purpose role that can be used in a seminar/lecture setting. See the Typical Seminar Workflow page.

Compiled with help from: Larissa Kranewitter-Call, Kristina Becker and Mari Akazawa