Category: Uncategorized

CATMA workshop at Bristol University

On 27th November 2015 the CATMA team gave a workshop with scholars from a wide range of disciplines including literature, history, linguistics and more. The workshop provided an introduction to CATMA, a hands-on session and the showcasing of two larger  projects that where executed with the help of CATMA. Thanks to Roy for organizing this…
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CATMA on German television

CATMA and heureCLÉA are featured in the television show “Hamburgs Beste”. The topic of this episode is “digitization”. Digitization in the humanities, and with it CATMA and heureCLÉA, is addressed in the second part, starting at 6:50.

CATMA at the DHd 2015

See heureCLÉA news section.

CATMA 4.2 released!

We are happy to announce that version 4.2 can now be worked with at Please see the release notes for further details.

CATMA at DH 2014 in Lausanne

We are giving a workshop on a collaborative, indeterministic and partly automatized approach to text annotation including a hands on session with CATMA. We’ll be around througout DH 2014, so even if you can not make it to the workshop do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more about CATMA.

Picturing Texts: A Workshop on the Value of Visualizations in the Humanities, 14 – 16 November 2013, University of Hamburg

Texts are often the primary objects of interest in literary studies and in the Humanities in general. Though it getting increasingly common to use computational methods for analyzing texts, methods of visualization could not yet prevail. This issue is subject to a workshop that is held within the frameworks of the TransCoop project DCI –…
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Transistion to new hardware completed

CATMA 4 now runs on stronger hardware which will bring a bit of relief as far as the performance is concerned. However we will also make changes to the CATMA architecture during the next weeks which will improve things further.

CATMA maintenance

CATMA will be moving to new hardware this weekend, so expect downtimes on Saturday August 17 2013. We will keep the downtime as short as possible.

New DoubleTreeJS visualisation

The last maintenance release also integrates DoubleTreeJS into CATMA. DoubleTreeJS is a cool keyword in context visualisation made by Chris Culy.

CATMA 4 manual released

The manual for CATMA 4 is now available online and as a PDF Download.