Category: Uncategorized

CATMA 4 released

The CATMA team is proud to announce that CATMA 4 is now ready for use. CATMA 4 is implemented as a web application and can be found under the following link: The release of CATMA 4 entails the relaunch of this website, which is now fit to present the newest version of CATMA. It…
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Cooperation with Google

The CATMA team is very pleased to announce that Google funds the further development of CLÉA (Collaboratve Literature Éxploration an Annotation Environment) with 50000 USD. CLÉA will be a CATMA based web application for the annotation and exploration of large corpora of texts such as Google Books.

Interdisciplinary cooperation

We are happy to announce a new joint initiative with the research teams of Prof. Angelika Redder and Prof. Kristin Bührig from the HZSK (Hamburg Centre for Speech Corpora, at Hamburg University who – among other – are engaged in the linguistic research of narratives. Our joint focus lies on the transdisciplinary and computer…
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Talk on tagging time with CATMA in Wuppertal/Germany

Wuppertal’s second narratological panel for postgraduate students “Zeit(en) erzählen. Narrative Verfahren – komplexe Konfigurationen” (July 7-9, 2011) includes the talk “Tagging in a ‘huge meadow of time’ – Analysen der Zeit mit Hilfe des Programmes CATMA” (“Analyses of time with the help of CATMA”) by Lena Schüch. The talk illustrates how the temporal structure of…
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CATMA 3.2 Mac OS X installer

The CATMA 3.2 Mac OS X installer is available for download.

CATMA 3.2 Windows installers

We solved the problem with the CATMA 3.2 Windows installers.

CATMA 3.2 released

The CATMA team announces the release of CATMA 3.2. Besides containing various bugfixes and improvements the release is mainly driven by a collaboration between the team of Prof. Dr. Meister (Hamburg University) and the team of Prof. Dr. Sinclair (McMaster University) at Hamilton (ON), Canada. CATMA offers now the possibility to export user generated data…
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Google European Digital Humanities Award

The CATMA team is very pleased to announce that Google will support the development of CLÉA (Collaborative Literature Éxploration and Annotation Environment) with an award of 50000 USD. CLÉA will be a CATMA based web application for the annotation and exploration of large corpora of texts such as Google Books.

CATMA in use at the University of Hamburg

CATMA is currently used in, among other, an MA textual analysis seminar on the Austrian writer Arthur Schnitzler. Schnitzler, a contemporary of Sigmund Freud’s, introduced into German narrative prose the narrative technique of so-called ‘internal focalization’, i.e. psychological introspection into characters. With CATMA students tag and analyse surfcae markers as well as deeper level semantic…
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Using CATMA for meta data atomization

An example for using CATMA to markup a spreadsheet containing historic oceanographic data has been supplied by Alexander Dorsk. Instead of having to manually tag over 500 occurrences CATMA was used to execute a regular expression based tagging routine, reducing a task of some 10 hours to a minute or two. A detailed description plus…
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